
import { Spinner, YStack } from 'tamagui'
export function SpinnerDemo() {
return (
<YStack padding="$3" space="$4" alignItems="center">
<Spinner size="small" color="$green10" />
<Spinner size="large" color="$orange10" />


  • Custom size "small" or "large".

  • Accepts all theme colors.

  • Accepts all YStack props.

Note that due to the fact that Spinner is an extension of React Native ActivityIndicator , and that only accepts size small or large, we are currently limited to just these sizes.

import { Button, Spinner } from 'tamagui'
export default () => <Spinner size="large" color="$green10" />

API Reference


Spinner extends YStack, getting Tamagui standard props, plus:


  • size

    "small" | "large"

  • color

    string | ColorTokens

    Give the spinner a color.