
Snap Points: [85,50,25]

import { ChevronDown, ChevronUp } from '@tamagui/lucide-icons'
import type { SheetProps } from '@tamagui/sheet'
import { Sheet } from '@tamagui/sheet'
import React, { memo } from 'react'
import { Button, H2, Input, Paragraph, XStack, YStack } from 'tamagui'
const spModes = ['percent', 'constant', 'fit', 'mixed'] as const
export const SheetDemo = () => {
const [position, setPosition] = React.useState(0)
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [modal, setModal] = React.useState(true)
const [innerOpen, setInnerOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [snapPointsMode, setSnapPointsMode] =
React.useState<(typeof spModes)[number]>('percent')
const [mixedFitDemo, setMixedFitDemo] = React.useState(false)
const isPercent = snapPointsMode === 'percent'
const isConstant = snapPointsMode === 'constant'
const isFit = snapPointsMode === 'fit'
const isMixed = snapPointsMode === 'mixed'
const snapPoints = isPercent
? [85, 50, 25]
: isConstant
? [256, 190]
: isFit
? undefined
: mixedFitDemo
? ['fit', 110]
: ['80%', 256, 190]
return (
<YStack gap="$4">
<XStack gap="$4" $sm={{ flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<Button onPress={() => setOpen(true)}>Open</Button>
<Button onPress={() => setModal((x) => !x)}>
{modal ? 'Type: Modal' : 'Type: Inline'}
<Button onPress={() => setSnapPointsMode( (prev) => spModes[(spModes.indexOf(prev) + 1) % spModes.length] ) } >
{`Mode: ${ { percent: 'Percentage', constant: 'Constant', fit: 'Fit', mixed: 'Mixed' }[ snapPointsMode ] }`}
{isMixed ? (
<Button onPress={() => setMixedFitDemo((x) => !x)}>
{`Snap Points: ${JSON.stringify(snapPoints)}`}
) : (
<XStack paddingVertical="$2.5" justifyContent="center">
{`Snap Points: ${isFit ? '(none)' : JSON.stringify(snapPoints)}`}
<Sheet forceRemoveScrollEnabled={open} modal={modal} open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} snapPoints={snapPoints} snapPointsMode={snapPointsMode} dismissOnSnapToBottom position={position} onPositionChange={setPosition} zIndex={100_000} animation="medium" >
<Sheet.Overlay animation="lazy" backgroundColor="$shadow6" enterStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} exitStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} />
<Sheet.Handle />
<Sheet.Frame padding="$4" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center" gap="$5">
<SheetContents {...{ modal, isPercent, innerOpen, setInnerOpen, setOpen }} />
// in general good to memoize the contents to avoid expensive renders during animations
const SheetContents = memo(
({ modal, isPercent, innerOpen, setInnerOpen, setOpen }: any) => {
return (
<Button size="$6" circular icon={ChevronDown} onPress={() => setOpen(false)} />
<Input width={200} />
{modal && isPercent && (
<InnerSheet open={innerOpen} onOpenChange={setInnerOpen} />
<Button size="$6" circular icon={ChevronUp} onPress={() => setInnerOpen(true)} />
function InnerSheet(props: SheetProps) {
return (
<Sheet animation="medium" modal snapPoints={[90]} dismissOnSnapToBottom {...props}>
<Sheet.Overlay animation="medium" bg="$shadow2" enterStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} exitStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} />
<Sheet.Handle />
<Sheet.Frame flex={1} justifyContent="center" alignItems="center" gap="$5">
<YStack padding="$5" gap="$8">
<Button size="$6" circular alignSelf="center" icon={ChevronDown} onPress={() => props.onOpenChange?.(false)} />
<H2>Hello world</H2>
{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map((i) => (
<Paragraph key={i} size="$8">
Eu officia sunt ipsum nisi dolore labore est laborum laborum in esse ad
pariatur. Dolor excepteur esse deserunt voluptate labore ea. Exercitation
ipsum deserunt occaecat cupidatat consequat est adipisicing velit
cupidatat ullamco veniam aliquip reprehenderit officia. Officia labore
culpa ullamco velit. In sit occaecat velit ipsum fugiat esse aliqua dolor


  • Lightweight implementation with dragging support.

  • Multiple snap point points and a handle.

  • Automatically adjusts to screen size.

  • Accepts animations, themes, size props and more.


import { Sheet } from 'tamagui' // or '@tamagui/sheet'
export default () => (
<Sheet.Overlay />
<Sheet.Handle />
<Sheet.Frame>{/* ...inner contents */}</Sheet.Frame>


<Sheet />

Contains every component for the sheet.


  • open


    Set to use as controlled component.

  • defaultOpen


    Uncontrolled open state on mount.

  • onOpenChange

    (open: boolean) => void

    Called on change open, controlled or uncontrolled.

  • position


    Controlled position, set to an index of snapPoints.

  • defaultPosition


    Uncontrolled default position on mount.

  • snapPoints



    [80, 10]

    Array of numbers, 0-100 that corresponds to % of the screen it should take up. Should go from most visible to least visible in order. Use "open" prop for fully closed.

  • onPositionChange

    (position: number) => void

    Called on change position, controlled or uncontrolled.

  • dismissOnOverlayPress




    Controls tapping on the overlay to close, defaults to true.

  • animationConfig




    Customize the spring used, passed to react-native Animated.spring().

  • native

    boolean | "ios"[]

    (iOS only) Render to a native sheet, must install native dependency first.

  • disableDrag


    Disables all touch events to drag the sheet.

  • modal


    Renders sheet into the root of your app instead of inline.

  • dismissOnSnapToBottom


    Adds a snap point to the end of your snap points set to "0", that when snapped to will set open to false (uncontrolled) and call onOpenChange with false (controlled).

  • forceRemoveScrollEnabled




    By default. Tamagui uses react-remove-scroll to prevent anything outside the sheet scrolling. This can cause some issues so you can override the behavior with this prop (either true or false).

  • portalProps


    YStack props that can be passed to the Portal that sheet uses when in modal mode.

  • moveOnKeyboardChange




    Native-only flag that will make the sheet move up when the mobile keyboard opens so the focused input remains visible.

  • <Overlay />

    Displays behind Frame. Extends YStack.

    <Frame />

    Contains the content. Extends YStack.

    <Handle />

    Shows a handle above the frame by default, on tap it will cycle between snapPoints but this can be overridden with onPress.

    Extends XStack.

    <Scrollview />

    Allows scrolling within Sheet. Extends Scrollview.


    For Android you need to manually re-propagate any context when using modal. This is because React Native doesn't support portals yet.

    Native support

    We've deprecated the native in favor of using Adapt.