
React Native ScrollView with Tamagui props.

import { Circle, ScrollView, Square, XStack } from 'tamagui'
export function ScrollViewDemo() {
return (
<ScrollView maxHeight={250} width="75%" backgroundColor="$background" padding="$4" borderRadius="$4" >
<XStack flexWrap="wrap" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center">
<Square margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$red9" />
<Circle margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$orange9" />
<Square margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$yellow9" />
<Circle margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$red9" />
<Square margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$blue9" />
<Circle margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$purple9" />
<Square margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$pink9" />
<Circle margin="$4" size={120} backgroundColor="$red9" />


  • All the features of React Native ScrollView.

  • Adds all the style properties of Tamagui.


import { ScrollView, YStack, ListItem } from 'tamagui'
export default () => (

API Reference


See React Native ScrollView  and Tamagui style props .