
Avoids spacing for children inside a spacing container

While the space property is deprecated, Unspaced lives on in a better form, one which is easily back-ported to add Unspaced support (as well as adding gap support).

When using the space style prop, you may want some children to not be spaced.

Use Unspaced:

import { Text, Unspaced, View } from '@tamagui/core'
export default () => (
<View position="relative" space>
<View width={20} height={20} />
{/* space */}
<View width={20} height={20} />
{/* no */}
<Text position="absolute">Some absolute positioned text</Text>

If you want the item to be visually hidden as well as unspaced, see VisuallyHidden, which avoids uses Unspaced but also hides the contents in an accessible manner.