import React from 'react'import { XStack, YStack, ZStack } from 'tamagui'export function StacksDemo() {return (<XStack maxWidth={250} padding="$2" alignSelf="center" gap="$2"><YStack flex={1} borderWidth={2} borderColor="$color" borderRadius="$4" gap="$2" padding="$2" ><YStack backgroundColor="$color" borderRadius="$3" padding="$2" /><YStack backgroundColor="$color" borderRadius="$3" padding="$2" /><YStack backgroundColor="$color" borderRadius="$3" padding="$2" /></YStack><XStack flex={1} borderWidth={2} borderColor="$color" borderRadius="$4" gap="$2" padding="$2" ><YStack backgroundColor="$color" borderRadius="$3" padding="$2" /><YStack backgroundColor="$color" borderRadius="$3" padding="$2" /><YStack backgroundColor="$color" borderRadius="$3" padding="$2" /></XStack><ZStack maxWidth={50} maxHeight={85} width={100} flex={1}><YStack fullscreen borderRadius="$4" padding="$2" borderColor="$color" borderWidth={2} /><YStack borderColor="$color" fullscreen y={10} x={10} borderWidth={2} borderRadius="$4" padding="$2" /><YStack borderColor="$color" fullscreen y={20} x={20} borderWidth={2} borderRadius="$4" padding="$2" /></ZStack></XStack>)}
X, Y, and Z stacks for easy flex layouts.
Gap property to add space between elements.
Handle press, focus, and layout events easily.
Tamagui UI includes optional stack views - XStack, YStack and ZStack. They extend directly off the View from @tamagui/core
Stack props accept every prop from react-native-web View, as well as all the style properties Tamagui supports.
In this example you'd show three YStack
elements spaced out.
import { XStack, YStack } from 'tamagui'export default () => (<XStack gap="$2"><YStack /><YStack /><YStack /></XStack>)
To see all the style properties supported, see the Props documentation.
Fuller example
An example using a wide variety of style properties:
import { Text, XStack, YStack } from 'tamagui'export default () => (<XStack flex={1} flexWrap="wrap" backgroundColor="#fff" hoverStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'red', }} // media query $gtSm={{ flexDirection: 'column', flexWrap: 'nowrap', }} ><YStack gap="$3"><Text>Hello</Text><Text>World</Text></YStack></XStack>)
API Reference
XStack, YStack, ZStack
Beyond the Tamagui Props, the stacks add just two variants:
Sets position: absolute, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0.
number | tokens.size
Sets a natural looking shadow that expands out and away as the size gets bigger.