
We recommend using npm create tamagui@latest to bootstrap one of our starter templates, with examples for many frameworks.

The base Tamagui style library, @tamagui/core has no dependencies outside of react, is smaller than React Native Web. It implements the full React Native View and Text APIs independently, and then adds a large superset of style APIs to support a larger amount of modern CSS styling.

To install:

yarn add @tamagui/core

If you plan to use the full UI kit, tamagui, you can avoid installing @tamagui/core altogether and instead:

yarn add tamagui

The tamagui package is a superset of core, so anywhere in the docs @tamagui/core is used, you can replace it with tamagui.

Add the optional TamaguiProvider to customize your design system and settings:


import { TamaguiProvider, View } from '@tamagui/core'
import config from './tamagui.config' // your configuration
export default function App() {
return (
<TamaguiProvider config={config}>
<View width={200} height={200} backgroundColor="$background" />

See the configuration documentation docs for a comprehensive overview of what can be in your config.

If you'd like to get started more quickly with presets, we have @tamagui/config:

yarn add @tamagui/core @tamagui/config

And then provide it near your root:


import { TamaguiProvider, createTamagui } from '@tamagui/core'
import { defaultConfig } from '@tamagui/config/v4'
// you usually export this from a tamagui.config.ts file
const config = createTamagui(defaultConfig)
type Conf = typeof config
// make imports typed
declare module '@tamagui/core' {
interface TamaguiCustomConfig extends Conf {}
export default () => {
return (
<TamaguiProvider config={config}>
{/* your app here */}

You are ready to go.

import { Button } from 'tamagui'
export default function Demo() {
return <Button theme="blue">Hello world</Button>

From here, we'd recommend spending some time understanding configuration. Tamagui works across 100% of it's features at runtime and compile-time. This means you can wait until you absolutely need more performance to set up the compiler.



Tamagui generally doesn't require any special bundler setup as we've worked hard to make it "just work" without configuration in a wide variety of environments.

That said, the broader React Native and React Native Web ecosystem is filled with packages that do need configuration. Tamagui provides a variety of bundler plugins that help improve that compatibility, as well as letting you opt into the optimizing compiler.

For more in-depth guides: