
Show content with a trigger in a floating pane

import { ChevronDown, ChevronLeft, ChevronRight, ChevronUp } from '@tamagui/lucide-icons'
import { useState } from 'react'
import type { PopoverProps } from 'tamagui'
import { Adapt, Button, Input, isWeb, Label, Popover, XStack, YStack } from 'tamagui'
export function PopoverDemo() {
const [shouldAdapt, setShouldAdapt] = useState(true)
return (
<YStack gap="$4">
<XStack gap="$2" flex={1} justifyContent="center" alignItems="center">
<Demo shouldAdapt={shouldAdapt} placement="left" Icon={ChevronLeft} Name="left-popover" />
<Demo shouldAdapt={shouldAdapt} placement="bottom" Icon={ChevronDown} Name="bottom-popover" />
<Demo shouldAdapt={shouldAdapt} placement="top" Icon={ChevronUp} Name="top-popover" />
<Demo shouldAdapt={shouldAdapt} placement="right" Icon={ChevronRight} Name="right-popover" />
{!isWeb && (
<Button onPress={() => setShouldAdapt(!shouldAdapt)}>
Adapt to Sheet: {`${shouldAdapt}`}
export function Demo({
}: PopoverProps & { Icon?: any; Name?: string; shouldAdapt?: boolean }) {
return (
<Popover size="$5" allowFlip stayInFrame offset={15} resize {...props}>
<Popover.Trigger asChild>
<Button icon={Icon} />
{shouldAdapt && (
<Adapt when="sm" platform="touch">
<Popover.Sheet animation="medium" modal dismissOnSnapToBottom>
<Popover.Sheet.Frame padding="$4">
<Adapt.Contents />
<Popover.Sheet.Overlay backgroundColor="$shadowColor" animation="lazy" enterStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} exitStyle={{ opacity: 0 }} />
<Popover.Content borderWidth={1} borderColor="$borderColor" width={300} height={300} enterStyle={{ y: -10, opacity: 0 }} exitStyle={{ y: -10, opacity: 0 }} elevate animation={[ 'quick', { opacity: { overshootClamping: true, }, }, ]} >
<Popover.Arrow borderWidth={1} borderColor="$borderColor" />
<YStack gap="$3">
<XStack gap="$3">
<Label size="$3" htmlFor={Name}>
<Input f={1} size="$3" id={Name} />
<Popover.Close asChild>
<Button size="$3" onPress={() => { /* Custom code goes here, does not interfere with popover closure */ }} >


  • Optional arrow to point to content.

  • Keeps within bounds of page.

  • Can be placed into 12 anchor positions.

Popovers are a great way to show content that's only visible when trigger is pressed, floating above the current content.


Popover is already installed in tamagui, or you can install it independently:

yarn add @tamagui/popover


When rendering into root of app instead of inline, you'll first need to install the @tamagui/portal package:

yarn add @tamagui/portal

Then add PortalProvider to the root of your app:


import { PortalProvider } from '@tamagui/portal'
import YourApp from './components/YourApp'
function App() {
return (
<PortalProvider shouldAddRootHost>
<YourApp />
export default App


  • shouldAddRootHost


    Defines whether to add a default root host or not.

  • Anatomy

    import { Popover, Adapt } from 'tamagui' // or '@tamagui/popover'
    export default () => (
    <Popover.Trigger />
    <Popover.Arrow />
    <Popover.Close />
    {/* ScrollView is optional, can just put any contents inside if not scrollable */}
    <Popover.ScrollView>{/* ... */}</Popover.ScrollView>
    {/* ... */}
    {/* optionally change to sheet when small screen */}
    {/* you can also use <Popover.Adapt /> */}
    <Adapt when="sm">
    <Popover.Sheet.Overlay />
    <Adapt.Contents />

    API Reference


    Contains every component for the popover.


  • children (required)


    Must contain Popover.Content

  • size


    Passes size down too all sub-components when set for padding, arrow, borderRadius

  • placement


    'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'right-start' | 'right-end' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end' | 'left-start' | 'left-end'

  • open


  • defaultOpen


  • onOpenChange

    (open: boolean) => void

  • keepChildrenMounted


    By default, Popover removes children from DOM/rendering when fully hidden. Setting true will keep children mounted even when hidden. This can be beneficial for performance if your popover content is expensive to render.

  • stayInFrame

    ShiftProps | boolean

    Keeps the Popover inside the frame, see floating-ui shift().

  • allowFlip

    FlipProps | boolean

    Moves the Popover to other sides when space allows it, see floating-ui flip().

  • offset


    Determines the distance the Popover appears from the target, see floating-ui offset().

  • hoverable

    boolean | UseFloatingProps

    Allows hovering on the trigger to open the popover. See UseFloatingProps from floating-ui: accepts boolean or object of { delay: number, restMs: number, handleClose: Function, mouseOnly: boolean, move: boolean }

  • resize

    SizeProps | boolean

    Will set maxWidth and maxHeight of Content to fit inside outer window when it won't fit, see floating-ui size().

  • For most of these properties, you'll want to reference the floating-ui docs .

    If using modal={true} (which is true by default), refer to the PortalProvider installation for more information.


    Popover.Arrow can be used to show an arrow that points at the Trigger element. In order for the Arrow to show you must have a Trigger element within your Popover. Arrows extend YStack, see Stacks.


    Used to trigger opening of the popover when uncontrolled, just renders a YStack, see Stacks.


    Renders as SizableStack which is just a YStack (see Stacks) with an extra size prop that accepts any SizeTokens.

    Used to display the content of the popover.


  • size


  • unstyled


    Removes all default Tamagui styles.

  • Popover.Anchor

    Renders as YStack, see Stacks.

    When you want the Trigger to be in another location from where the Popover attaches, use Anchor. When used, Anchor is where the Popover will attach, while Trigger will open it.


    When used with Adapt, Popover will render as a sheet when that breakpoint is active.

    See Sheet for more props.

    Must use Adapt.Contents inside the Popover.Sheet.Frame to insert the contents given to Popover.Content


    Must be nested inside Content. Renders as a plain React Native ScrollView. If used alongside <Adapt /> and Sheet, Tamagui will automatically know to remove this ScrollView when swapping into the Sheet, as the Sheet must use it's own ScrollView that handles special logic for interactions with dragging.